ESG Initiatives

ONO has been continuously strengthening its corporate foundation to increase corporate value and to achieve sustainable growth.
We also respond to various environmental changes, promote fostering personnel who can lead globalization and increasing diversity, as well as enhancing activities for Environment, Society and Governance to fulfill our social responsibilities to all stakeholders.

Strengthening Corporate Infrastructure
Strengthening Corporate Infrastructure
For more details of Sustainability activities in ONO, please see the following sustainability page.
Sustainability Top

ONO’s Materiality

To promote management that integrates financial and non-financial aspects based on our growth strategy and Sustainable Management Policy, we have identified material issues. By promoting initiatives for each material issue, we aim to improve the sustainability of both ONO and society.
In April 2024, Deciphera Pharmaceuticals Inc. of the United States joined the Ono Pharmaceutical Group, enabling direct sales in Europe and the United States. This prompted us to review and consider our materiality issues. In March 2025, we reclassified the 18 materiality items into 9 and incorporated the voices of external stakeholders.

ONO's Approach to Sustainability

Vision over the medium- to long-term


・Collaborate with top scientists to accelerate drug discovery for changing the world, and also the speed and accuracy of establishing PoC for new drug candidates are improving, and the pipeline is enriched through licensing activities.


・As a specialty pharma capable of competing globally, accelerating development and business advancement worldwide.


・We have addressed our goal of achieving the well-being of patients and their families in cooperation with healthcare professionals, and as a result, our new drugs are spreading promptly.


・Contributing to solving social issues and realizing next-generation healthcare by leveraging digital technologies and our strengths.


・A secured global IT infrastructure is being implemented and corporate transformation through digital is being realized.


・Based on the human resource strategy for the realization of the corporate philosophy and vision, we are committed to recruiting and developing talent that contributes to business growth and to realizing an organizational culture that enhances diversity and fosters a sense of unity. Systems and measures that attract human resources have been established, and an environment is provided where all employees can work with peace of mind and safety.


・Under “ECO VISION 2050,” we aim to become a leading environmentally friendly company in the pharmaceutical industry, and will strive to inherit a rich global environment for future generations so that people can have a healthy and sound society.


・We will continue to ensure robust quality assurance and safety management systems, while stably supplying and continuously improving our products for patients.

・We are implementing management practices based on the "UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, " while also identifying sustainability-related risks with our business partners and working together to realize a sustainable society.

・We are providing innovative medicines for rare diseases and pediatric diseases to improve access to healthcare, and supporting the development of healthcare infrastructure in underdeveloped areas.


・Establishing an effective corporate governance system to achieve our sustainable growth, including the establishment of a compliance risk management system to support global business expansion and prevent compliance violations.

SDGs to which ONO contributes

We contribute to achieving SGDs 3, 9 and 17, among others, by developing innovative drugs.

External assessment of ONO

ONO’s Sustainability activity has been evaluated externally, and ONO has been selected as the leading indices for socially responsible investment (SRI) under the following main external evaluations.
For more details, please refer to "External Evaluation" .

Dow Jones Sustainability Indices
Dow Jones Sustainability Indices
FTSE4Good Index Series
FTSE4Good Index Series
FTSE Blossom Japan Index
FTSE Blossom Japan Index
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