Initiatives to Implement a Corporate Transformation by leveraging Digital and IT
In the midst of a drastically changing business environment, we are transforming the company to have high dynamic capability by leveraging digital and IT.
This requires a flexible IT infrastructure supported by the latest technologies, a data utilization platform including internal and external data, and the capability of data analysis from company-specific perspectives. This foundation enables us to detect and assess business issues and new opportunities accurately and timely, and turn them into business transformation initiatives. All activities related to every value creation process with the foundation leads us to a global specialty pharma.
Based on this idea, we worked to create and reinforce the various aspects of our IT infrastructure, such as security, including the data use platform OASIS. This resulted in us being designated a DX-certified operators since 2023, based on the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) certification program. We will broadly expand these activities linked to corporate transformation.
Dx implementation strategy

At ONO, we define DX as a powerful engine that will drive our Growth Strategies. By optimally combining a flexible IT infrastructure with internal and external processes, services, and resources, ONO aims to become a company capable of dynamic transformation on its own, and we believe that DX initiatives are the foundation of all value creation. In our DX strategy, we consider DX as something that contributes to improving the value of the human experience and as a means to deliver value. We will work to implement DX horizontally with diverse partners, including patients and their families, healthcare professionals, and employees, for improving productivity and creativity. Furthermore, in order to expedite the decision-making required to execute DX strategies, we have set aside a challenge budget (DX-related budget with no restrictions on use), which is used for research and technology trials and other purposes.

Development of DX talent
We aim to be a company that continues to transform itself by having each and every employee, from the management team to those on the front lines of the workplace, orientate and carry out reform as necessary. We provide a training menu to develop DX talent who will drive transformation. The training menu is created based on ONO’s definition of DX talent and clearly specifies the targets of DX talent development. In FY2023, applications for all courses exceeded capacity. In FY2024, we will expand the course participant capacity to further develop DX talent and begin study of the next human resource development plan based on training course participation.
Guidelines for Utilizing Digital Technologies
We have established "Our Value" and "Code of Conduct" as guidelines to realize our Corporate Philosophy.
In utilizing digital technology, we will reinterpret these guidelines in light of the characteristics of digital technologies, and we will proceed with transformations under the consciousness outlined below:
Challenge for Vision Realization
As individuals involved in the pharmaceutical business, we will uphold our pride and utilize digital technologies to harness the power of the ONO Team. We will overcome challenges and accelerate our pursuit of vision realization.
Enhancing the Experiential Value for All People
With a focus on patients, their families, medical professionals, and the ONO Team,
we aim to improve the well-being of all individuals related to our company by enhancing the experiential value.
Continuous Transformation
We will enhance dynamic capabilities by leveraging digital technologies. We will continue to drive organization-wide and everyday transformations while enjoying the process of learning and experimentation.
Open Interaction
We encourage diverse interactions within and outside the company, building an ecosystem for transformative changes that go beyond the boundaries of the organization.