Management / Finance

Notice concerning Completion of Disposal of Treasury Shares as Tenure-based Restricted Stock Compensation and Performance-linked Restricted Stock Compensation

Osaka, Japan, July 12, 2024 - Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Osaka, Japan; President: Toichi Takino; “the Company”) today announced that the payment procedures were completed on July 12, 2024 as follows for disposal of treasury shares as tenure-based restricted stock compensation and performance-linked restricted stock compensation resolved at the Board of Directors meeting held on June 20, 2024. For more details, please refer to “Notice of Disposal of Treasury Shares as Tenure-based Restricted Stock Compensation and Performance-linked Restricted Stock Compensation” dated June 20, 2024.

Overview of Disposal of Treasury Shares

1. Disposal of treasury shares as tenure-based restricted stock compensation

(1) Disposal date July 12, 2024
(2) Class and number of shares disposed 23,100 shares of common stock of the Company
(3) Disposal price 2,115 per share
(4) Total value of shares disposed 48,856,500 yen
(5) Allottees and number thereof; number of disposed shares Board of Directors of the Company (excluding Outside Directors): 3 persons / 23,100 shares

2. Disposal of treasury shares as performance-linked restricted stock compensation

(1) Disposal date July 12, 2024
(2) Class and number of shares disposed 40,300 shares of common stock of the Company
(3) Disposal price 2,115 yen per share
(4) Total value of shares disposed 85,234,500 yen
(5) Allottees and number thereof; number of disposed shares Board of Directors of the Company (excluding Outside Directors): 3 persons / 21,600 shares
Audit & Supervisory Board Member※of the Company: 1 person / 3,200 shares
Corporate Officers who are not the Board of Directors of the Company: 8 persons / 15,500 shares

※The relevant Audit & Supervisory Board Member retired from his position as the Board of Director due to the completion of his term of office at the conclusion of the 76th Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting held on June 20, 2024. He was newly appointed as an Audit & Supervisory Board Member at the same Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting and assumed the position. He was paid performance-linked restricted stock compensation to be delivered as compensation for the service during his term of office.